Time again to let you know how we are doing with our diet. I want to let you guys know how our diet has changed again over the last few months and what exactly we eat together with our children being on a raw food diet for 8 years. You have to see that all 6 people in my family eat differently and the eating styles are also changing on a constant basis. As we are huge wild superfoodists, we always eat locally and seasonal. That means that our diet is always in harmony with the surroundings and seasons we are living in.
As Germany has a lot of different super-foods than Costa Rica, our diet changed when we moved here.
We can get so many of our “old-school” German wild edibles and berries here. It is like heaven to know all the wild herbs again. To identify wild herbs in Costa Rica I feel you must have a lot of knowledge as there are so many different similar looking wild foods there. It’s easier to live on fruits in Costa Rica and easier to make a huge wild edible juice in Germany I would say.
However, as we all still eat very differently in my family (Ronja is the fruit-lover not liking cooked foods whereas Benny is keen on goat’s milk and cheese every other month – Ronja hates that.) The base of it all is still the greens in our opinion. The dark green leafy juices have been our breakfast for 6 years – every day.
They cover so much already, nutrient-wise. From there we all go different routes in our family. I always love to drink as many liters as possible of the green juice, as it alkalizes me, gives me nutrients and keeps the need for solid food away until later. I feel so great only having green juices for as long as possible each day, before I eat solid food. Hope that this video does answer some of the questions you might have in regards to our diet!